Alcumlow // Sam & Beth

Alcumlow wedding barn located in the beautiful Cheshire countryside. Sam & Beth had a gorgeous relaxed day at their local Church and then headed to the barn for celebrations!

Describe your wedding in three words

Magical, Fun, Relaxed

Why you chose the date of wedding (did it have any meaning?)

No particular meaning to the date (the only date Alcumlow had this year and we didn’t want to wait another 12 months!)

Anything about how you met/proposal story

Introduced by a mutual friend. Hit it off straight away. Knew after about a month that we were going to marry each other!

When Sam proposed, I had no idea it was coming. He fabricated a story about leaving one of his gardening machines at the church where we got married (he also maintains the grounds). When we drove there I refused to get out of the car and told him to stop being a wimp and just go and get his tools! He had to work hard to convince me to go with him, but when I did there was a rose petal love heart on the floor surrounded by tea lights! Very romantic and special as that particular church means a lot to me.

Your inspiration/style/aspirations for the day

Pinterest is a godsend! Neither of us are particularly creative so we relied a little on suppliers to inspire us. We knew that we wanted simple, rustic and sunflowers! We just wanted a relaxed atmosphere and for everyone to enjoy themselves.

Memorable/emotional/funny moment on the day

Nearly choking on confetti!
Martha losing a tooth on the dance floor.
The sunset photos on the jetty – just having a moment to ourselves to take it all in

How did you discover me and why you chose me to photograph the day

You were recommended by a friend. As soon as we saw your instagram page we knew we wanted you to photograph our wedding! Particularly the church photos – you were able to capture them perfectly.

Wedding song?

The One by Kodaline

Any advice for couples planning their wedding?

Enjoy it! You will fall out about silly things, but it is all worth it on the day.

Are you going on a honeymoon?

We had a mini moon – stayed at a beautiful lodge in Derbyshire and spent some time outdoors and relaxing. It was definitely needed after a hectic few weeks leading up to the wedding! We opened the wedding cards and it gave us a chance to take it all in and have some time as a couple.

Anything else….

We had an amazing day! Everything went perfectly and we couldn’t have asked for more. The highlight video will be playing on a loop!
Beth & Sam added a highlight video onto their package.
Jess Yarwood