Marbury Park shoot // Zech & Mylla

Describe your family shoot in three words

Relaxed, fun, nature

Why you booked the shoot – any meaning / special occasion

We have started a tradition of doing a yearly update with Jess and the family to catch up and have fab pictures

What was your favourite part of the Marbury park shoot

Just having a walk and a chat, exploring somewhere new with Jess who happens to have a camera and occasionally asks you to do something. But having a nice afternoon out and ending up with some wonderful photos which are so relaxed, with the kids not being uncomfortable at all.

Memorable/emotional/funny moment on the shoot

Zech being tipped upside down to collect a Welly and ending up in a pickle with no wellies or trousers. And also throwing leaves at Jess with the kids

Now you have received your gallery, what number is your favourite image

25, 66, 110, 115, 127, 147,

How did you discover me and why you chose me to photograph your family

Jess did our wedding and it was fab, and now this is the third family shoot. We love our catch ups, how life is and the world of being a photographer and love having the growing up of the children captured.

A little review…. 

Jess has a wonderful way of making the children not notice she is taking pictures or making it just be something with a friend who is with a camera. They are at ease, relaxed and just having fun. This makes for brilliant candied and fun pictures, with some direction for us as parents to capture the best bits from her years of experience. The photos reflect the family, the informality we choose Jess for as a wedding photographer and we continue to love now. Even with some grumpy toddlers Jess finds a way to make them smile or laugh for a camera or at least look cute being grumpy/tired.

Anything else….

Zech said why are there no pictures of our friend Jess, so next time you have to give up your camera for five minutes and let us take pictures with you and the kids. Or he can bring his and take pictures too. 
Jess Yarwood